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  HONDA Ultrasonic Level Meters Ultrasonic Level Meters    
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HAL960,Ultrasonic Level Meters,HONDA

Ultrasonic Level Meters

Measurement distance range:1.5~60m
Object to be measured:Liquid/Powder
The RS-485 is provided as part of the standard configuration to enable remote control at a distance of up to 1,200 m.
The MODBUS protocol is provided as part of the standard configuration,enabling communications with a PLC.
Display:LCD(with backlight)

HAL420,Ultrasonic Level Meters, HAL420
Ultrasonic Level Meters
Various shapes of container liquid level measurement
Measurement distance range:0.3~6.5m(Liquid)
Display:4-digit LCD
4-20mAcurent output

HD500,Ultrasonic Level Meters HD500
Ultrasonic Level Meters
Measurement distance range:
0.12~1.0m(Frequency200kHz), 0.06~0.45m(Frequency400kHz)
Object to be measured:Liquid
Display:4-digit LED
Sensor Material:Standard:PFA ,Universal:PVC

HD700,Ultrasonic Level Meters  HD700A/700B
Ultrasonic Level Meters
Measurement distance range:0.5~5m(9.99m), 0.25~2m(4m)
Object to be measured:Liquid/powder
Alarm output:1 each for upper/lower DC30V 0.1A(NPN open collector)

HD800,Ultrasonic Level Meters HD800
Ultrasonic Level Meters
Measurement distance range:0.3 ~ 12 m
Display:LCD(with backlight)
Alarm output:4 lines for each channel AC250V,DC30V 5A (Relay contact)
The RS-485 is provided as part of the standard configuration to enable remote control at a distance of up to 1,200m.
The MODBUS protocol is provided as part of the standard configuration,enabling communications with a PLC.

HAL920,Ultrasonic Level Meters HAL920
Ultrasonic Level Meters
Measurement distance range:0.6~24m
Alarm output:4lines AC250V,DC30V 5A (Relay contact)
Display:LCD(with backlight)
The RS-485 is provided as part of the standard configuration to enable remote control at a distance of up to 1,200m.
The MODBUS protocol is provided as part of the standard configuration,enabling communications with a PLC.
  HONDA Interface Level Meters Ultrasonic Interface Level Meters TOP  
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HL2000,Ultrasonic Interface Level Meters HL2000
Ultrasonic Interface Level Meters
Measurement distance range:0.4~10m
Number of channels:2CH
Object to be measured:Sludge interface
Applications:industrial wastewater treatment facility/industrial wastewater treatment facility
  Honda,Ultrasonic Density Meters Ultrasonic Density Meters TOP  
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HLD300,Ultrasonic Density Meters HLD300
Ultrasonic Density Meters
Measuring range:0.0~40dB
Number of channels:1CH/2CH
Measuring pipe withstand pressure:1.0MPa
Measuring concentration:0 to 20%
Interface:RS-485(Max.transmission range:1200m)
  Honda, Ultrasonic Flow Meters Ultrasonic Flow Meters TOP  
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HLF800,Ultrasonic Density Meters HLF800
Ultrasonic Density Meters
Data refresh rate:10SEC
Flow rate accuracy:±1 % F.S.(pure water 20℃)
Operating temperature:0 - 50℃(no condensation)
Storage temperature:-30~80℃
Interface:RS- 485(MODBUS protocol, RTU mode)
Bit rate: 9600,19200,38400,57600 bps
  Honda,Ultrasonic Measutement equipment Ultrasonic Measurement equipment TOP  
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HA701W,Ultrasonic Measurement equipment HA-701W
Ultrasonic Measurement equipment
OS:Windows XP
Stage travel distance:140×140×50mm(X-axis Y-axis Z-axis)
Scan speed:Max.400mm/sec
AD sampling frequency:500MPS
Display:17-inch color LCD
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